
By Luella Brien

Traditionally, Apsáalooke children would spend their days with their grandparents while their parent went off to hunt and gather food. Following that tradition many Apsáalooke grandparents often have special relationships with their grandchild, especially their oldest grandchild. It’s not uncommon to see a grandchild living with their grandparents for a number of years before they start school. Apsáalooke boys are often more coddled than the girls, not only by their parents but by the grandparents. Apsáalooke girls are more-often-than-not raised to be modest. Girls with traditional roots generally don’t dress provocatively; their hair is always fixed, either pulled back in a pony tail or in a clip. They often wear earrings and rings even if they are just in t-shirts and jeans. Boys are often not given as many rules and are expected to act appropriately regardless. The typical upbringing of a child varies as much as the upbringing of non-Apsáaloke children. Most Apsáalooke develop a deep-rooted identity as a Apsáalooke regardless of how outwardly traditional their families their families act.

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