Gift Policy

It is the policy of the Little Big Horn College Library to graciously accept gifts that enhance the current collection and compliment the general collection goals and policies of the Library. Due to minimal shelf and storage space, limited staff, and strict collection goals, accepted gifts must meet the following guidelines:

If feasible, a list of items to be donated should be offered to the Library in advance to determine if the items meet the above gift policies, avoiding unnecessary transfer of materials.

Procedures for Processing Gift Items

  1. When items have been received, the Librarian will review the items according to the gift and collection development policies and search the library records for existing copies within one week of receipt.
  2. If the items meet the above requirements, they must be processed promptly, or in the case of large gifts, within a reasonable time period that takes into account the amount of labor involved.
  3. Processing procedures for different areas of the collections:
  1. If the number of items to be donated exceeds processing capability, encourage the donor to stagger the donation or appropriately weed the items themselves according to the general collection policy of the Library and according to the Gift Policy Guidelines.
  2. Items not added to the collection will be set out for faculty, students, and community member to take freely. No materials will be held or stored. The Library will reserve the privilege to give gift materials to other Native American libraries as well at the right to dispose of gift materials at the Library’s discretion.